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Connect with Earth and all the life it holds


It is important to learn and reexamine our beliefs, to truly understand what the Earth means to us, and it is essential to gain an understanding of the impact we have on the Earth, in order to inspire commitment to action and change.

We believe that connection with nature and everything that is around us is vital to rekindle that feeling of gratitude we should all feel towards the Earth, as she is the ultimate provider of life and abundance.

Only then will it be possible for organizations to recognize their role and become empowered as agents of change -- roles that become more vital to the planet with every passing day. 

The way our society has consistently operated, takes for granted the limited natural resources that are required for our world to live.

When we have the chance to dedicate our five senses to seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling nature, it is easier to create a lasting memory of our dependence and connection with the planet, and the importance and urgency of taking care of it. 

We make this possible by facilitating heart-felt and meaningful experiences with reconnect us with and deepen our relationship with nature by incorporating our entire being: mind, body, and soul. 

Examples of activities include:

  • Beach Clean Ups

  • Yoga for the Oceans

  • Brunch for the planet

  • Sip and Paint for the Earth, 

  • Travel experiences 

  • Other activities

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